Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The tiger

The tiger (Panthera tigris) mammal is navigation, the family (Felidae). Among the big cats were able to live these days, the tigers are by far the largest. In the wild Siberian subspecies reaches 350 kilograms, according to some sources. Reaches 3.8 meters long by 0.8 to account for the tail.
In the recent past has been distributed in virtually all of Asia, but nowadays its habitats range is strongly reduced. There are only 8 surviving subspecies. There are populations in North Africa. Before that he had 15 species of tigers, but in time their number has declined.
He eats mainly large herbivorous mammals such as deer, elk, wild pigs, buffaloes and cattle, but if necessary can become omnivorous.

The tiger is a territorial animal, and rarely leave their habitat. It occurs also as large a loner and does not stand firm on own. Atypical for cats is his love for water, while demonstrating impressive skills and swimming.

Freedom lives about 15 years, but zoos are not rare cases of 20-25 year tigers. Widespread in Southeast Asia, the peninsula Indostan in forested areas near bodies of water.
Has been entered in the Red List of Threatened Species.

South China tiger is less of Bengal. There are shorter and wider streak. Males have a length of 2 to 2.28 meters and weighs 130 to 175 kilograms. Females have a body length from 1,9 to 2.1 meters and weigh from 100 to 300 kilograms. Foods with cattle, deer and wild pigs. Little is known about the breeding cycle. It is found in central and eastern China, it is believed that the South China tiger is the ancestor of all other tigers. This type of tiger is exposed to great danger to liberty is about 30 - 40 individuals, there is still so in zoos. 40 years ago there were 4000 tigers, but they are ruthlessly killed for traditional Chinese medicine. Live 10 - 15 years.

Sumatriyskiya tiger is the smallest of all tigers, which facilitates their movement in dense tropical jungle. The appearance is darker, is broad and rapid dilute solid, front legs unlike Sibirkiya tigers are striped. Behind the head have a long coat which forms a sort of collar. Length of males ranged from 1,9 to 2,2 m and tezhat from 100 to 140 kg, females have a body length from 1.87 to 2 m tezhat 75 - 110 kilograms. Foods with wild cattle, wild boars, deer. Gestation lasts about 100 days, the female razzhda from 1 to 5 small every 2 - 3 years, they slyaporodeni. After her 6-month learning to hunt, and 7 - 8 months later they are ready to become independent. It is found only on Sumatra island, in the dense jungle. The range of action of sumatriyskiya tiger is not known, however, the density of tigers has been accepted to a 4 - 5 adults per 100 square kilometers. Endangered species, freedom is about 400 - 500 tigers and about 200 more in the zoo in the world, lived about 15 years. Reason is the development of agriculture on the island and deforestation. On the island of Sumatra has 5 national parks where they live these 400 - 500 individuals.

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