Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Jaguar (Panthera onca) is an animal navigation, to the family.

Jaguar is the largest cat in the Western Hemisphere and third largest worldwide (after the lion and tiger). Its name comes from South American Indian word "Jaguar", which means "killer, who defeated his victim with one leap." Often confused with the leopard, but it is larger, with broader head and shorter legs and tail . There is a strong diving body, deep chest and short strong legs. His ears are rounded. Has little pale spot on the back. Large eyes are golden russet round pupil. There are black Jaguar. They are called Black Panthers. Altogether there are 7 types yaguari.a tigers. Jaguar is the third most large cat in the world after the tiger and lion. In different sizes vary in a relatively large range. Most have small Mexican jaguar, which are long by 1.6 meters and weigh 50 kg. But the biggest are Amazon panther living in the Amazon basin and Pantanal. Amazon Jaguar adults reach 2.3 meters in length and weighing over 160 kg. Record size is currently jaguar caught in Guyana near the border with Venezuela, which weighed 212 kilograms.
It is found only in America - almost all over South and Central America and in southern parts of North America. Most frequently in western Argentina and southern Brazil. The most characteristic habitats of the jaguar are tropical jungles, to a lesser degree - zasushlivi places, overgrown with bushes, pastures. Sometimes they appear in the pampas (South American steppes) and in desert areas.
He is a lonely creature, except during breeding. Mainly stands on land but can swim very well. Hunt and prosecute themselves. Rarely seen more animals together. Jaguar can not be defined as the day or night hunter. Powerful jaws of the jaguar, which penetrates the skull of the victim allows him to eat animals like caiman and kostenurki.Toy has very powerful jaws and usually kill their prey with one bite. Unlike most cats, jaguar does not kill as zahapva the neck. He zahapva animal skull and thus killing of barzo.Plyachkata Jaguar is quite varied, but most preferred are deer, bakeries (a type of wild pig), and agouti kapibara (the largest rodent in the world). Jaguar attack and big Tapir when they come to the pond, kidnapping dogs and domestic animals, hunt alligators, turtles, fish and some small animals. Jaguar was among the animals, which annually kill most people in South America and often attack domestic animals. Reason for this is, however, deforestation, whose place was built up settlements or farms that enter into the living environment of Jaguar. In very rare cases where the jaguar live in groups, or during their period of marriage, Jaguar use a complex and diverse mix of sounds and growl mew, with varying complexity, duration and intonation as a communication tool for group or during conjugal games.
In Jaguar there is no fixed breeding season. Gestation lasts 100 - 110 days. Are born from 2 to 4 small. They grow very quickly, but remain with their mother until the age of 2 years. Reach sexual maturity until age 3 when godini.Mazhkiyat only inseminated female, then it only looks small, the male goes for food all the time.
Jaguar is no reason to be afraid of any animal other than human. Unfortunately it is often killed by poachers because of their skin. This is a problem today. With less and less wild prey available to them, Jaguar began to feed on livestock. Therefore, farmers often kill or poison them. Of all the big cats, Jaguar is the most subtle and least studied. Today, Jaguar is under the absolute protection of government in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Venezuela, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, Uruguay and USA. Are particularly stringent measures against hunters in Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru. More and more places where they live jaguar, become reserves - one of the most beautiful of them is "Ulla - Ulla in Bolivia. Moreover, to make serious strides towards the establishment of transboundary protected areas. Great example is the green corridor between Argentina and Brazil. Although Jaguar is one of the longest-living cats, the researchers found much difficulty in tracing it in its natural environment. And make attempts to return the already captured Jaguar back in their wild habitat - until the 95 Jaguar from various zoos in the United States returned to freedom after 22 and Jaguar. The purpose of this program is to be placed 120 Jaguar, whose movement can be monitored through radiotelemetriya. According to the International Species Information currently has the world's 292 Jaguar, and 95 more are in zoos in the United States. How accurate are these data we can not tell, but Jaguar is without doubt one of the rarest wild cats of our planet.

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