Monday, June 7, 2010


Lion (Panthera leo) is a predator of the cat family. The lion is found in Africa - mostly in polupustinite and rarely in deserts, and in some parts of India. Ever occurred in the whole of Africa. Today it has disappeared from the northern areas and too often can be seen in the west. In abundance was observed only in Kenya and Tanzania. About 190 lions live in the Gir forest in India south of Mumbai.
The lion is the second largest feline after the tiger. Life expectancy is 15-20 years in nature. The maximum speed at which pursue prey that reaches 60 km / h. With powerful legs and strong jaws and long canine teeth knocked the lion may kill and quite large prey. Of lion hair color ranges from fawn to yellowish, reddish or dark brown. Bottom in most cases it is lighter, and tufted tail - black. The color of the bracelet can be from yellow to black. Asiatic lions are different from African nature color of the abdominal part and less of the male's mane. The average weight of males reaches between 200 and 260 kg, while for females it ranged between 150 and 180 kg. Body length in the lions reach 170-250 cm, where lionesses - 140-175 cm. Tail length of 70-100 cm. It ends with a black tuft of hair, whose purpose is still unknown. Tufted absent at the birth of lion, formed around the 5-month, and about 7th is already fully developed. The most significant difference between male and female lions is the lack of mane and tail tuft at lionesses.
Lions are known for their hunting group. Usually female fish, males care for the safety of pride (the herd) you. Each clan occupies a territory of about 10-25 km2, as daily drivers and marked control it, leaving traces or through a powerful roar. On this territory are not permitted aliens lions. In most of the day spent sleeping lion, a fish in the cooler hours - evening or night. During the hottest hours of the day lions resting near water, shade plants or rocks. Sometimes someone dozing off in the low branches of trees. The lion sleeps 12 hours a day.

Male lions, aged two years, were expelled to the lion pride, the driver can not be shifted. If it changes, however, the new leader killing all the whelps, so that only lionesses to grow his seed. Females do not receive it until they become pregnant by him.
Aslan is reproduced at the end of the dry season. After pregnancy, lasting about three and a half months, the lioness gave birth to an average of four lions, at least half of which usually do not survive. At the beginning whelps are only fed with milk, but rather the mother started giving them food and semi. Lioness takes care of at least two years during the second half of this period, teach them to fish. When they grow sufficiently small, it takes them to pride.

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