Thursday, June 3, 2010


- Leopard Markings
Leopard is more silent than most of their fellow feral cats. Only in combat during the breeding he raised to allow such a noise.
Pregnancy in women takes about 3 months. Born between 1 and 4 small. Young leopardcheta grow much faster than tigarchetata - 2 years they are already fully developed and sexually mature females having completed their growth earlier than males. The average life expectancy of the leopard is between 12 and 17 years.
Leopard is a night hunter and loves to hunt from ambush. It is a wonderful climb trees, often planted on these suits, but found shelter for the rest of the day. Foods with smaller types of antelope, deer, deer and other ungulates. In their lack replacing them with rodents, monkeys and birds. Some leopards specialize in hunting dogs and pets.
And among leopards (though less than tigers and lions) appear cannibals. But boldness of the attacks they significantly outperform the larger relatives.
Leopard reasons to turn into cannibals are quite different from those of tigers - the most common causes them to hunger this incarnation because in the absence of sufficient food leopards eat carrion.

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