Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Elephants (Elephantidae) are a family separated in a special category called proboscid (Proboscidea) from the class Mammal. There are three types: level African elephant African forest elephant) and the Asian Elephant (also known as the Indian Elephant). Until the Ice Age lived and other species (mammoths, mastodons, and Platibelodont Amebelodont).
Elephants are among the longest-living mammals. Little elephant's are born weighing about 100 kg. Wear them lasts 20-22 months and the longest in mammals. Elephants live 70-80 years, but individuals live to 100 years.
Elephants are the largest land animals. The most massive documented specimen was shot in Angola in 1956, weighing 11 t. In the past, and there were significantly fewer species - such as prehistoric elephants of the island of Crete, who lived during the Pleistocene and having a size of a cow or a large pig.
Elephants are a symbol of wisdom in Asian cultures and are notorious memory and intelligence, comparable only with the apes and cetaceans.
According to observations in 2006, healthy and adult fish have no natural enemies, although immature young or weak adults can become prey of lions. A more serious threat to populations of elephants are the actions of poachers and hunters.
Elephants live subequatorial and equatorial areas of Africa and Asia. There are both savannahs and scrublands, and in the equatorial forests. In the past, representatives of a family of elephants and mammoths and mastodon are met in Europe, the Americas, but these species have disappeared.
Elephants are the largest land mammals on the planet. Most large African savanna elephant is, which reaches a height of 3.5 to 4 meters, length of 6-7 meters and weighing seven tons. Asian elephants are smaller than African. Adults in the Indian elephant as reaching weight 5500-6500 kg. Most retail Ceylon elephant, which had only reached 3000 kg.
Usually the elephant walk with 6.4 km / h, but can run over 40 mph. Can not jump, but can swim long distances. Despite its enormous size, the elephant moves almost silently and gracefully.
The African elephant can easily be different from Indian as well as their larger sizes and ears and tusks as occurring in both males and females.
Elephants move in herds, led by the oldest and most experienced slonitsa. When they feel threatened, can become extremely dangerous. Elephants are herbivorous. To maintain its enormous mass, they need hundreds of kilograms of plant food a day and huge amounts of water, which creates problems during the dry period. The elephant consumes 225 kg. meals per day and 160 liters of water. Thirsty animals literally Strangle last remaining water resources.
Genus of African elephants combines two (some say three) species, while the family of Asian elephants is characterized only by a modern representative, but with four distinct subspecies. African and Asian elephants are descended from a common ancestor about 7.6 million years.
One possible classifications together representatives of several species and subspecies:

* African elephant (Loxodonta africana)
o African elephant (savanna) - Loxodonta africana africana
o African forest elephant - Loxodonta africana cyclotis
* Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
o Indian elephant - E. m. inducus
o Sumatrenski elephant - E. m. sumatranas
o Ceylon elephant - E. m. maximus
o Borneyski elephant - E. m. borneensis

Today there are only about 50,000 copies due to the destruction of forests in which they live.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is coarse graminivorous mammal from family giraffes (Giraffidae). He is the highest existing species on earth. It inhabits dry woodlands and savannas of Africa south of Sahara. Considered is the local tribes as a sacred animal.
Males reach a height of 4,7-5,3 m and weigh from 800 to 1930 kg. Females are generally smaller. They are higher than 3,9 to 4,5 m and weigh from 550 to 1930 kg. Giraffe is one of the two species included in the family Zhirafovi, the other is smaller and rare windfalls. There are nine generally accepted subspecies.
The heart of giraffe is not less than 60 cm in length, weighs 11 pounds and beat with 95 beats per minute when the giraffe is stationary. Located at 2 to 3 m below the brain. Circulatory system of the giraffe is accurate. It pumps excess blood when the head is low to the ground and prevents the blood to return quickly back into the heart of abrupt flattening of the neck and lifting his head.
Adult male giraffe can feed on leaves of acacia 6 m above the ground. Impresses with its long neck almost 2 meters. His body is red-brown spots, separated by white stripes. His eyes are great long and bushy eyelashes and head has two small horns coated leather. Its upper lip is well developed and his tongue reaching 40 cm in length.
The giraffe is an animal that is fed exclusively with branches. Carefully select your food, which for the most part consists of leaves and shoots of trees and shrubs, creeping and creeping plants and some grasses. Depending on the season also eat flowers, pods, seeds and fruits.
Giraffes do everything right. Their deep sleep is not more than 10 minutes. Resting, their neck up, and when drinking water, wide open up their front legs to be able to bend enough. Giraffes drink 50 liters of water.
Live in populated areas and wooded grasslands in Africa south of Sahara.
Typical resolution of the giraffe is the progressive accumulation of bone material around the skull, especially in males, so that specimens are found with three or even five horns. The number of giraffes declined in the last 30 years by about 40% due to the decline of habitats.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Zebra is the aggregate name for the following 4 representative of the family horses (Equidae):

* Equus burchellii - Barchelova zebra
* Equus grevyi - Zebra in Greve
* Equus quagga - Kvaga (Kuaga, Zebra)
* Equus zebra - Mountain Zebra

In - the old classifications zebras separated into a separate genus Hippotigris (skipjack or brindle horses).
All four types of zebras are found only in Africa.
Zebras live in small family groups consisting of male zebra several females and their offspring. Individual families are part of a large herd. They feed on leaves, grass and aerial roots. Also chew soil to obtain the necessary minerals.
Female zebra born in a little each year. It separates it from the herd to remember it. After a few days (5,6) it returns with her little.
Cousin of the horse, Zebra is the only large mammal fur strips of white and black. There are lush mane and tail well feathered. It is the most beautiful of his relatives. Body length and 2 meters and 20 cm (plus 75 cm tail). Height at shoulder 1.25 to 1.35 meters. Weighing 225 to 420 kg. The lifespan is 20 to 40 years (in captivity).

Zebra live in herds, sometimes bringing together hundreds of animals during the dry period. In fact, these herds are composed of permanent family groups living together in one male, several females and their offspring, ie total of 15 animals.

According to the black stripes are different three types and many subtypes zebras. Zebra Grant (wide stripes) - live from Sudan to the Zambezi River. Zebra of Greve (with narrow stripes) - occupied Ethiopia, Somalia and Tanzania. "Mountain Zebra - inhabits only southern Africa. It is the small and her ears are pointed.

Zebras are durable, able to gallop over long distances. Its enemies are: lion, wild dog (Lycaon), hyena and leopard. Zebras have well developed hearing and smell.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The tiger

The tiger (Panthera tigris) mammal is navigation, the family (Felidae). Among the big cats were able to live these days, the tigers are by far the largest. In the wild Siberian subspecies reaches 350 kilograms, according to some sources. Reaches 3.8 meters long by 0.8 to account for the tail.
In the recent past has been distributed in virtually all of Asia, but nowadays its habitats range is strongly reduced. There are only 8 surviving subspecies. There are populations in North Africa. Before that he had 15 species of tigers, but in time their number has declined.
He eats mainly large herbivorous mammals such as deer, elk, wild pigs, buffaloes and cattle, but if necessary can become omnivorous.

The tiger is a territorial animal, and rarely leave their habitat. It occurs also as large a loner and does not stand firm on own. Atypical for cats is his love for water, while demonstrating impressive skills and swimming.

Freedom lives about 15 years, but zoos are not rare cases of 20-25 year tigers. Widespread in Southeast Asia, the peninsula Indostan in forested areas near bodies of water.
Has been entered in the Red List of Threatened Species.

South China tiger is less of Bengal. There are shorter and wider streak. Males have a length of 2 to 2.28 meters and weighs 130 to 175 kilograms. Females have a body length from 1,9 to 2.1 meters and weigh from 100 to 300 kilograms. Foods with cattle, deer and wild pigs. Little is known about the breeding cycle. It is found in central and eastern China, it is believed that the South China tiger is the ancestor of all other tigers. This type of tiger is exposed to great danger to liberty is about 30 - 40 individuals, there is still so in zoos. 40 years ago there were 4000 tigers, but they are ruthlessly killed for traditional Chinese medicine. Live 10 - 15 years.

Sumatriyskiya tiger is the smallest of all tigers, which facilitates their movement in dense tropical jungle. The appearance is darker, is broad and rapid dilute solid, front legs unlike Sibirkiya tigers are striped. Behind the head have a long coat which forms a sort of collar. Length of males ranged from 1,9 to 2,2 m and tezhat from 100 to 140 kg, females have a body length from 1.87 to 2 m tezhat 75 - 110 kilograms. Foods with wild cattle, wild boars, deer. Gestation lasts about 100 days, the female razzhda from 1 to 5 small every 2 - 3 years, they slyaporodeni. After her 6-month learning to hunt, and 7 - 8 months later they are ready to become independent. It is found only on Sumatra island, in the dense jungle. The range of action of sumatriyskiya tiger is not known, however, the density of tigers has been accepted to a 4 - 5 adults per 100 square kilometers. Endangered species, freedom is about 400 - 500 tigers and about 200 more in the zoo in the world, lived about 15 years. Reason is the development of agriculture on the island and deforestation. On the island of Sumatra has 5 national parks where they live these 400 - 500 individuals.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Jaguar (Panthera onca) is an animal navigation, to the family.

Jaguar is the largest cat in the Western Hemisphere and third largest worldwide (after the lion and tiger). Its name comes from South American Indian word "Jaguar", which means "killer, who defeated his victim with one leap." Often confused with the leopard, but it is larger, with broader head and shorter legs and tail . There is a strong diving body, deep chest and short strong legs. His ears are rounded. Has little pale spot on the back. Large eyes are golden russet round pupil. There are black Jaguar. They are called Black Panthers. Altogether there are 7 types yaguari.a tigers. Jaguar is the third most large cat in the world after the tiger and lion. In different sizes vary in a relatively large range. Most have small Mexican jaguar, which are long by 1.6 meters and weigh 50 kg. But the biggest are Amazon panther living in the Amazon basin and Pantanal. Amazon Jaguar adults reach 2.3 meters in length and weighing over 160 kg. Record size is currently jaguar caught in Guyana near the border with Venezuela, which weighed 212 kilograms.
It is found only in America - almost all over South and Central America and in southern parts of North America. Most frequently in western Argentina and southern Brazil. The most characteristic habitats of the jaguar are tropical jungles, to a lesser degree - zasushlivi places, overgrown with bushes, pastures. Sometimes they appear in the pampas (South American steppes) and in desert areas.
He is a lonely creature, except during breeding. Mainly stands on land but can swim very well. Hunt and prosecute themselves. Rarely seen more animals together. Jaguar can not be defined as the day or night hunter. Powerful jaws of the jaguar, which penetrates the skull of the victim allows him to eat animals like caiman and kostenurki.Toy has very powerful jaws and usually kill their prey with one bite. Unlike most cats, jaguar does not kill as zahapva the neck. He zahapva animal skull and thus killing of barzo.Plyachkata Jaguar is quite varied, but most preferred are deer, bakeries (a type of wild pig), and agouti kapibara (the largest rodent in the world). Jaguar attack and big Tapir when they come to the pond, kidnapping dogs and domestic animals, hunt alligators, turtles, fish and some small animals. Jaguar was among the animals, which annually kill most people in South America and often attack domestic animals. Reason for this is, however, deforestation, whose place was built up settlements or farms that enter into the living environment of Jaguar. In very rare cases where the jaguar live in groups, or during their period of marriage, Jaguar use a complex and diverse mix of sounds and growl mew, with varying complexity, duration and intonation as a communication tool for group or during conjugal games.
In Jaguar there is no fixed breeding season. Gestation lasts 100 - 110 days. Are born from 2 to 4 small. They grow very quickly, but remain with their mother until the age of 2 years. Reach sexual maturity until age 3 when godini.Mazhkiyat only inseminated female, then it only looks small, the male goes for food all the time.
Jaguar is no reason to be afraid of any animal other than human. Unfortunately it is often killed by poachers because of their skin. This is a problem today. With less and less wild prey available to them, Jaguar began to feed on livestock. Therefore, farmers often kill or poison them. Of all the big cats, Jaguar is the most subtle and least studied. Today, Jaguar is under the absolute protection of government in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Venezuela, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, Uruguay and USA. Are particularly stringent measures against hunters in Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru. More and more places where they live jaguar, become reserves - one of the most beautiful of them is "Ulla - Ulla in Bolivia. Moreover, to make serious strides towards the establishment of transboundary protected areas. Great example is the green corridor between Argentina and Brazil. Although Jaguar is one of the longest-living cats, the researchers found much difficulty in tracing it in its natural environment. And make attempts to return the already captured Jaguar back in their wild habitat - until the 95 Jaguar from various zoos in the United States returned to freedom after 22 and Jaguar. The purpose of this program is to be placed 120 Jaguar, whose movement can be monitored through radiotelemetriya. According to the International Species Information currently has the world's 292 Jaguar, and 95 more are in zoos in the United States. How accurate are these data we can not tell, but Jaguar is without doubt one of the rarest wild cats of our planet.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) e mammalian member of the cat family. Today he is the sole representative of the genus Acinonyx, some with four other ancient species. Habitats of its distribution is very limited and mainly covers areas south of the Sahara. Besides these, small populations inhabit North Africa and Iran. Relatively large number of them in Namibia causes it to be called "Land of cheetahs.

Cheetah is the fastest land animals. Developing speed of 112 to 120 km / h over short distances (460 m). [2] is acceleration from 0 to 110 km / h for 3 seconds - faster than most sports supercar. Paleontological evidence suggests that it is significantly smaller and faster than their predecessors. Recent genetic studies, the closest relatives of cheetahs are in North America.

In Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature has placed Cheetah vulnerable species. The main threats to the survival of the species associated with human activities - loss and fragmentation of habitat and slaughter of cattle as an "enemy" of domestic animals. [1]

Acinonyx a word in its scientific name has Greek origins. It is composed of two words akin - "fixed" and onyx - "flipper." Jubatus means ruffed. The word in English is for Cheetah cheetah, citrakāyaḥ comes from Sanskrit and means "variegated body". It enters the English by Hindi. [3] Bulgaria Cheetah enter the word from German and French has Latin origin and is the result of words gattus pardus, meaning "spotted cat.
Body length of up to 180 cheetahs - 220 cm, in which the tail accounts for about 75 cm. Its weight is from 40 to 65 kg. [4] Although males are larger than females and have a big head of them, there is a clear sexual dimorphism. Cheetah is a cat whose character most closely to her dogs. It is suited for fast movement. The legs are thin, long and tough, and body shape very similar to that of the hound. The head is small and rounded, but thin and long tail used for balance in pursuit of prey. The coat is short, yellowish-brown to golden, lightening of the abdomen and neck. Is studded with well-shaped black spots on the entire body surface except for areas with lighter hair. The diameter of the spots varies by location but is within 1,9 - 3,8 cm. The head of the Cheetah formed tear strips, starting from the inner edge of eye and lirovidno descend to the upper lip, bypassing the nose. They give and nature "sad expression." At the end of the queue formed 5 - 6 black rings on the top has a strand of white hair.

Cheetah is very often confused with leopard. The difference with him is that leopards are more severe, the spots have never rozetkovidna shape of the head and not tear strips are formed.
The whole structure of the body when Cheetah was created as a result of the development of character, achieving speed in the race. The evolution of the species benefiting from it to achieve high speed at the expense of strength and endurance. To reach a high speed sprint of around 110 - 112 km / h cheetahs have developed unique characteristics [6]. They have imposed a long time at the expense of others. An example is the size of the teeth. They are small due to the fact that smaller roots. The rapidity of the Cheetah and need more oxygen. Therefore, the nasal cavity size is increased at the expense of dental teethridge. So little tooth socket can provide an interception and a small tooth [7]. Nails do not retract into the hands thus play a role in sprint spikes. The feet are covered with rough scaly skin, allowing strong adhesion to the ground when running. Of all the big cats at cheetahs have long legs. While the height is as leopards - over 90 cm, his legs are 30 cm longer. Spine is flexible and allows the rear legs in race to pass along the front side. Unlike other members of the Cheetah cats can not climb. However, benefit from lower branches of which have better visibility to identify potential victims. Nostrils wide open, the chest is deep and heart, white and liver are enlarged. Dark lines under her eyes tear not dissipate incoming light and help to better focus on the victim [8]. Skull head box is larger at the expense of the facial and share. Cheetah has a flat face, allowing excellent binocular vision. The body is narrow, long and muscular [9]. Attaining and maintaining high speed and short distance unless there are some advantages disadvantages. Body temperature quickly rises above 40 ° C, a result of the breakdown of carbohydrates into the muscles of lactic acid is formed. Because of fatigue and the danger of overheating cheetahs do not usually maintain a maximum speed of more than 400 meters. These are the reasons he should not immediately begin to eat and to rest for some time after killing the victim. Reconstruction after the sprint is a critical period in which cheetahs is vulnerable to large predators and other easily lost catches.
Cheetah inhabits open grassy areas such as savannas and slightly hilly polupustini often occurs in foothills with loam. These places are conducive to its mode of obtaining food and the ability to quickly develop high speed pursuit of the victim. Unlike leopards, cheetahs do not live in mountainous and forested areas. While meeting some of the Ngorongoro Crater at relatively high altitude, this is the exception rather than the rule. Most widespread in Namibia, where they lived for about 2 - 3 thousand copies. However, and here their future is uncertain due to the fact that about 10% of the losses of livestock to some of the farmers due to the Cheetah hunts.
Cheetahs rely on their speed to capture the victim. He hunted only when hungry every 3 - 4 days. When not hunting lurks in ambush, but is closer to the victim quietly and in good time quickly descends into a sprint to it. If seen it before, cheetahs quickly denied [9]. Unlike other carnivores, cheetahs are active mainly during the day. Daily way of protecting cheetahs caught by the competition and meeting with nocturnal predators such as lions and hyenas, which can hunt and its small. Thus the mother is able to keep smaller at night when predators are active. Cheetah is the most successful lonely hunter. His attacks are up 70 percent successful. As one of the possible reasons for this statistic indicating the narrow specialization and types of features which allow for the speedy and efficient catch. African Wild Dog is only a successful hunter. His attacks are up 80 percent successful, but with the difference that it is in the hunt group.

Attacked by cheetahs animals are most often small to medium-sized hoofed mammals under 40 kg.: Grant's gazelle and Thomson gazelle, antelope Impala oribi, warthog. Another part of their menu are some ground living birds as bustard, guinea fowl and small mammals like rabbits.
Usually before hunting cheetahs can be seen on termitnik natural or down. From this place he observed herds of herbivores and identifies potential victims. Unlike many other predators, he never eats carrion. His food always is obtained as a result of catch. Under cover of tall grass, he is approaching as close. Only when the distance is shortened to less than 30 - 40 m., cheetahs attack. His spinal column is extremely flexible and this helps to move as quickly as possible, but its tail serves as a counterweight. Cheetah legs are also extremely flexible and allow you to make sharp turns. It also helps to nail the rear legs, which are thrust into the ground, play the role of spikes, and balls of his feet to act for grabs tight grip. Reaching the victim, with his front legs he stumbles. In fall and land Cheetah zahapva throat and choking him to pinch . Because cheetahs have weak teeth and small jaws can not crush the neck of his victim and was forced to kill her by squeezing her throat as people or less, by interrupting the large blood vessels .

With the victim, cheetahs develop extremely high speeds, but it can only support a few seconds because of the danger of overheating and death. Concentrate his forces on full mobilization of the spoils at the expense of protection in. Therefore, cheetahs must eat quickly before the table to join him and other predatory birds and mammals . When you eat, cheetahs do not exhibit aggression toward each other and peacefully share the spoils .

Freedom of small cheetahs learn to hunt by their mothers. Born in captivity can not hunt and are unable to capture prey in the wild.
Royal Cheetah was first observed in the wild in 1926 in Zimbabwe. In 1927 Pocock declared it a separate subspecies, but that decision was revoked in 1939 due to lack of evidence. In 1974 to 22 units are known. skins of this "subspecies" and 5 reports of eyewitnesses who have seen King Cheetah. However, a photograph of the specimen in the wild has not been made. In 1975, during one of his expedition kriptozoolozite Paul and Lena Botreli able to make quality pictures of royal Cheetah. From them it appears that height it is larger and has a different coloration of the black body. The black spots are larger, often merged with each other on the back forming black streaks. Only in 1986, King Cheetah was shot again in natural conditions.

By 1987 scientists were 38 known copies royal cheetahs most of them just like leather. The full status of this type was authorized in 1981, when the research center for cheetahs "De Wildt" in South Africa two sisters at the same time as in offspring born to each have one gepardche royal. Both were fertilized by males captured in the Transvaal. In the coming years are born in the center of several copies of these traits. Royal Cheetah appears as a rare mutation, manifested in the offspring of cheetahs, inhabiting areas in Zimbabwe, Botswana and northern South African province of Transvaal.

Friday, June 11, 2010

lion and leopard