Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Elephants (Elephantidae) are a family separated in a special category called proboscid (Proboscidea) from the class Mammal. There are three types: level African elephant African forest elephant) and the Asian Elephant (also known as the Indian Elephant). Until the Ice Age lived and other species (mammoths, mastodons, and Platibelodont Amebelodont).
Elephants are among the longest-living mammals. Little elephant's are born weighing about 100 kg. Wear them lasts 20-22 months and the longest in mammals. Elephants live 70-80 years, but individuals live to 100 years.
Elephants are the largest land animals. The most massive documented specimen was shot in Angola in 1956, weighing 11 t. In the past, and there were significantly fewer species - such as prehistoric elephants of the island of Crete, who lived during the Pleistocene and having a size of a cow or a large pig.
Elephants are a symbol of wisdom in Asian cultures and are notorious memory and intelligence, comparable only with the apes and cetaceans.
According to observations in 2006, healthy and adult fish have no natural enemies, although immature young or weak adults can become prey of lions. A more serious threat to populations of elephants are the actions of poachers and hunters.
Elephants live subequatorial and equatorial areas of Africa and Asia. There are both savannahs and scrublands, and in the equatorial forests. In the past, representatives of a family of elephants and mammoths and mastodon are met in Europe, the Americas, but these species have disappeared.
Elephants are the largest land mammals on the planet. Most large African savanna elephant is, which reaches a height of 3.5 to 4 meters, length of 6-7 meters and weighing seven tons. Asian elephants are smaller than African. Adults in the Indian elephant as reaching weight 5500-6500 kg. Most retail Ceylon elephant, which had only reached 3000 kg.
Usually the elephant walk with 6.4 km / h, but can run over 40 mph. Can not jump, but can swim long distances. Despite its enormous size, the elephant moves almost silently and gracefully.
The African elephant can easily be different from Indian as well as their larger sizes and ears and tusks as occurring in both males and females.
Elephants move in herds, led by the oldest and most experienced slonitsa. When they feel threatened, can become extremely dangerous. Elephants are herbivorous. To maintain its enormous mass, they need hundreds of kilograms of plant food a day and huge amounts of water, which creates problems during the dry period. The elephant consumes 225 kg. meals per day and 160 liters of water. Thirsty animals literally Strangle last remaining water resources.
Genus of African elephants combines two (some say three) species, while the family of Asian elephants is characterized only by a modern representative, but with four distinct subspecies. African and Asian elephants are descended from a common ancestor about 7.6 million years.
One possible classifications together representatives of several species and subspecies:

* African elephant (Loxodonta africana)
o African elephant (savanna) - Loxodonta africana africana
o African forest elephant - Loxodonta africana cyclotis
* Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
o Indian elephant - E. m. inducus
o Sumatrenski elephant - E. m. sumatranas
o Ceylon elephant - E. m. maximus
o Borneyski elephant - E. m. borneensis

Today there are only about 50,000 copies due to the destruction of forests in which they live.