Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is coarse graminivorous mammal from family giraffes (Giraffidae). He is the highest existing species on earth. It inhabits dry woodlands and savannas of Africa south of Sahara. Considered is the local tribes as a sacred animal.
Males reach a height of 4,7-5,3 m and weigh from 800 to 1930 kg. Females are generally smaller. They are higher than 3,9 to 4,5 m and weigh from 550 to 1930 kg. Giraffe is one of the two species included in the family Zhirafovi, the other is smaller and rare windfalls. There are nine generally accepted subspecies.
The heart of giraffe is not less than 60 cm in length, weighs 11 pounds and beat with 95 beats per minute when the giraffe is stationary. Located at 2 to 3 m below the brain. Circulatory system of the giraffe is accurate. It pumps excess blood when the head is low to the ground and prevents the blood to return quickly back into the heart of abrupt flattening of the neck and lifting his head.
Adult male giraffe can feed on leaves of acacia 6 m above the ground. Impresses with its long neck almost 2 meters. His body is red-brown spots, separated by white stripes. His eyes are great long and bushy eyelashes and head has two small horns coated leather. Its upper lip is well developed and his tongue reaching 40 cm in length.
The giraffe is an animal that is fed exclusively with branches. Carefully select your food, which for the most part consists of leaves and shoots of trees and shrubs, creeping and creeping plants and some grasses. Depending on the season also eat flowers, pods, seeds and fruits.
Giraffes do everything right. Their deep sleep is not more than 10 minutes. Resting, their neck up, and when drinking water, wide open up their front legs to be able to bend enough. Giraffes drink 50 liters of water.
Live in populated areas and wooded grasslands in Africa south of Sahara.
Typical resolution of the giraffe is the progressive accumulation of bone material around the skull, especially in males, so that specimens are found with three or even five horns. The number of giraffes declined in the last 30 years by about 40% due to the decline of habitats.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Zebra is the aggregate name for the following 4 representative of the family horses (Equidae):

* Equus burchellii - Barchelova zebra
* Equus grevyi - Zebra in Greve
* Equus quagga - Kvaga (Kuaga, Zebra)
* Equus zebra - Mountain Zebra

In - the old classifications zebras separated into a separate genus Hippotigris (skipjack or brindle horses).
All four types of zebras are found only in Africa.
Zebras live in small family groups consisting of male zebra several females and their offspring. Individual families are part of a large herd. They feed on leaves, grass and aerial roots. Also chew soil to obtain the necessary minerals.
Female zebra born in a little each year. It separates it from the herd to remember it. After a few days (5,6) it returns with her little.
Cousin of the horse, Zebra is the only large mammal fur strips of white and black. There are lush mane and tail well feathered. It is the most beautiful of his relatives. Body length and 2 meters and 20 cm (plus 75 cm tail). Height at shoulder 1.25 to 1.35 meters. Weighing 225 to 420 kg. The lifespan is 20 to 40 years (in captivity).

Zebra live in herds, sometimes bringing together hundreds of animals during the dry period. In fact, these herds are composed of permanent family groups living together in one male, several females and their offspring, ie total of 15 animals.

According to the black stripes are different three types and many subtypes zebras. Zebra Grant (wide stripes) - live from Sudan to the Zambezi River. Zebra of Greve (with narrow stripes) - occupied Ethiopia, Somalia and Tanzania. "Mountain Zebra - inhabits only southern Africa. It is the small and her ears are pointed.

Zebras are durable, able to gallop over long distances. Its enemies are: lion, wild dog (Lycaon), hyena and leopard. Zebras have well developed hearing and smell.